Confidence in following our own inner compass, what I call ‘true north’, can sometimes ebb and flow with life’s circumstances. In our shared culture we’re bombarded with media messages suggesting that we look a certain way, behave in certain ways, in fact our preferences are subtly manipulated through the daily digestion of television, radio and web-based news outlets.
Our sense of values, of what is meaningful and important to us as individuals, may sometimes be distorted by what we consistently pay attention to – both ‘out there’ in the world, and inwardly through repetitive thoughts and feelings – and so our innate sense of purpose in life may become neglected. It’s this last point that I believe in; that we each and all have a purpose, and it’s ours to discover and live out. When we come to question the sources of the stories we tell ourselves of about ourselves – through conditioning in the family, society and work – then we have an opportunity to change those repeating stories or scripts.
Do you want to change yours?